Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

The above is Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation. The m's are the masses of the two bodies, and r is the distance between them. G is the Gravitational Constant, which comes out to something like 6.673 x10^-11. 

Why am I posting this? Because apparently Bill Gates bought the rights to a series of lectures of the famous eccentric and funny physicist Richard Feynman, who sounds like Frank Costanza from "Seinfeld." Using his Microsoft-power, Gates put these lectures up on a special website, and I urge everyone to watch them. And I just watched the first one, wherein Feynman uses this Law as an example of how to begin thinking about physics and science in general.

Among other things, they show the value of a high degree of excitement - love, really - in a teacher. Enjoy! 

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