Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

Yes, it's all one story. 

That being out of the way, I've just noticed a connection between the theme - and in particular, the cover art - of Mark Knopfler's 2004 album "Shangri-La" and Beck's 1998 song "Tropicalia." Here is the MK cover.

Below are Beck's lyrics:

When they beat

Upon a broken guitar

And on the streets

They reek of tropical charms

The embassies lie in hideous shards

Where tourists snore and decay


When they dance in a reptile blaze

You wear a mask

An equatorial haze

Into the past

A colonial maze

Where there's no more confetti to throw


You didn't know what to say to yourself

Love is a poverty you couldn't sell

Misery waiting in vague hotels

To be evicted


You're out of luck

You're singing funeral songs

To the studs

They're anabolic and bronze

They seem to strut

In their millennial fogs

'Til they fall down and deflate


You didn't know what to say to yourself

Love is a poverty you couldn't sell

Misery waiting in vague hotels

To be evicted


Now you've had your fun

Under an air-conditioned sun

It's burned into your eyes

Leaves you plain and left behind

See them eyes and fall

Into the jaws of a pestilent love


You didn't know what to say to yourself

Love is a poverty you couldn't sell

Misery waiting in vague hotels

To be a victim

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