Padd Solutions

Converted by Falcon Hive

How is the English writer/philosopher Alain de Botton following me on Twitter when

a) I've never followed him on Twitter (until three or so seconds ago, after he followed me)
b) I'm in the middle of his most recent book
c) his Twitter account looks to be only 1.5 days old
d) his Twitter account looks to be real (how can I tell? It's mundane, just like reality and all Twitter accounts are, at bottom)
e) Precisely 7 days ago I sent an embarrassingly gushing email to him from an address which is not the one linked to on my Twitter profile, to which he
e2) personally replied almost immediately and entirely graciously
f) just who the hell am I anyway?

I keep running these through my mind because there MUST be a logical explanation to all of this but I'm rarely scared on the internet (and I've been through this gutter more times than you can say "dwarf porn") and why isn't David Foster Wallace alive to untangle this horribly recursive postmodern web? (web like spider not like internet)

 A possible but far-fetched chain of events:

1. AdB receives missive from yours truly
2. he responds as stated above
3. AdB then, using my email address which IS connected to this blog,
4. (somehow),
5. finds this blog and
6. clicks Twitter link to IAmCousinAl on the left side of this very page

If this is the case, the question becomes

1) did he read this blog?

Which in turn begs, again, point (f) above.

In all likelihood I shall be following up this post with a more sheepish one explaining the situation, which will surely turn out to have some annoyingly simple answer. Something along the lines of "In aforementioned email to AdB I said, like the dolt I am, 'hey AdB follow my Twitter lolz'". 

Likely as this is, I do not believe it. I remain slightly nervous - too nervous to just message the guy on Twitter and ask him. 

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